1. What is your shipping policy?

Free US shipping on all orders over $45 and free international shipping on all orders over $75.

On U.S. orders under $45, we charge a shipping fee of $6.95. 

For international orders under $75, see the rates below.

Canada - $19.95

World - $19.95. This rate is not available for all counties, if your country is not showing up at checkout, please contact us at support@vr-wire.com for a price quote.

There will likely be additional VAT and customs duties for those ordering from Canada, EU and the UK. Expect to pay around 10.00 - 15.00 EUR at the time of delivery depending on your country. 

All orders that qualify for free shipping within the United States are shipped with the USPS (Priority Mail or Ground Advantage) or UPS. You should receive your order within 5 - 7 business days.

If you have any issue receiving your package, please refer to your tracking number first. For additional questions, contact us at support@vr-wire.com

2. Do I have to drill holes in my wall to attach the retracting wall anchor?

Not necessarily! Although we recommend that you install the bracket using screws, you can also use command strips. If used correctly, command strips can be removed safely by pulling on the end of the strip instead of pulling the bracket away from the wall. If you use double-sided tape you are risking damage to the wall finish if you try to reposition the bracket.

3. How much line is inside the dynamic retractor?

The dynamic retractor holds 6 feet of line. 

4. What headsets are not compatible with VR WIRE II?

The VR WIRE II is compatible with all VR headsets besides:
1. The original Vive (OG Vive V1) because it has a three piece flat VR cable which is too wide to glide through the wheeled assembly.
2. The Varjo VR-3 has two VR cables, so it requires a larger custom bracket and a braided cable sleeve to consolidate the two cables into a single unit. We have made custom kits for enterprise customers for the Varjo VR-3, so please reach out if you want one. 

5. I have the VIVE PRO 2, anything I should know?

VP2 has a sharp inside edge on the plastic VR cable holder. This can create damage to the VR cable inside the plastic cable holder, but this can be easily fixed with a braided cable sleeve. 

Did you find your answer? If not, feel free to contact us at support@vr-wire.com and we will get back to you within 24 hours.